Science Museum - The Winton gallery

Trip to London - Euro Maths 2023

Recognising patterns

Author: Corentin Schiano Di Schiabica

During war or peace, since a few decades, computers and machines are constantly improved and we don’t know where all of that will take us. But, at the question of Alan Turing, the famous code-breaker, « Can machines thinks ? » the answer seems to be « Yes ».

This development of sciences is through the recognition of patterns. In fact, the recipe of a machine is simple:

  • find a pattern
  • create a machine which work with this pattern
And Ta Dam, you’ve a computer.

Some examples of this using of patterns:

Wisard pattern-recognition machine:
Created in 1981 by Igor Aleksande at the imperial college of London. With a camera and pictures stored in its memory, the machine verified if the face of the person match with one of them, using patterns to recognized human faces. If yes, it said “Hello” followed by the name of the person. If not, it said “INTRUDER”.
Elliot 401 computer:
Created in 1954 by Frank Yates, a wartime researcher. It was used to analysed crop trials and insects damages, based on mathematics of genetics, to made statistics and predict the future of crops.

To put it in a nutshell, as you have seen before, patterns are over-used in the design of machines and computers, the level of development of them today is a result of plenty of sciences researches about patterns.